Membership (With One Parking Pass)


Become A Member

Membership fees have not been raised in years, while at the same time the expenses to maintain our three properties have risen. There have been increases for maintenance,taxes and other miscellaneous items.  We all appreciate the additional generous donations our members have made along with the countless hours from our volunteers. 

To ensure we are able to continue to maintain the beach access parking lots and Mathews Point, we need to increase the fees this year.  Whether you use the beach access and the park and playground or not, our property values all benefit from them. As members of the community we are all responsible to share in the expenses involved and your membership dollars and donations are how these properties are maintained. Everything we do is managed by volunteers so there are no administrative charges in maintaining and operating these amenities.

Membership (With Two Parking Pass)
Membership Only (No Parking Passes)