Thank YouOne more step to complete your LHO MEMBER APPLICATIONONLY MEMBERSHIPS SUBMITTED BY 6/1/25 WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE LHO DIRECTORY First Resident *This is the information that will appear in the directory First Resident | First Name * First Resident | Last Name * First Resident First Resident | Phone * (###) ### #### First Resident | Email * LBI Address Street Number * Street Name * City * State * Zip * Do you want to have a listing in the LHO Directory? * (Only available to members who join before 6/1/25) Yes No Winter Address Winter Address | Street Number Winter Address | Street Name Winter Address | City Winter Address | State Winter Address | Zip Where do you want your parking pass mailed? * They will go out in early June. Summer Address Winter Address Membership Level * Please confirm what you selected Membership with no parking pass $125 Membership with 1 PARKING passes $325 Membership with 2 PARKING passes $350 If You Made a Donation Please Specify Below: * NONE $50 Donation to Mathews Point Fund $50 Donation to Harbor Reserve Fund $100 Donation to Mathews Point Fund $100 Donation to Harbor Reserve Fund $250 Donation to Mathews Point Fund $250 Donation to Harbor Reserve Fund $500 Donation to Mathews Point Fund $500 Donation to Harbor Reserve Fund $750 Donation to Mathews Point Fund $750 Donation to Harbor Reserve Fund $1000 Donation to Mathews Point Fund $1000 Donation to Harbor Reserve Fund Second Resident Information Optional Second Resident | First Name Second Resident | Last Name Second Resident | Phone (###) ### #### Second Resident | Email Activities You Might Be Interested In: Book Chats Bridge Kids Activities Fishing Kayaking Beach Walk Pickleball Sunset Gatherings Mah Jongg Game Night Sailing Canasta Thank You for Submitting Your Application! 🎉We have received your Loveladies Harbor Organization (LHO) Membership Application. Thank you for being a supportive member and helping to maintain our unique properties.If you have any questions, please email us at: